Education and resources for law enforcement rangemasters.


Topic specific video courses.


Document and form templates.


Information and resources for new rangemasters.


Range construction and rehabilitation consulation.

Contact us to learn more!

3 + 13 =

Police Rangemaster will provide valuable, time-saving resources to the new or experienced rangemaster helping them improve the safety and quality of training for their staff and students.


You are in charge…now what?


Rangemaster: A Foundational Guide available NOW from Amazon! Find out what you don’t know about being a Rangemaster.


Annual Training Plan Templates

Comprehensive template guides to construct annual, semi-annual, quarterly, or monthly training.

Online Courses

Concise video content chalk full of information to help you run a successful training program and an efficient and safe range.

Hazards You Are Not Addressing Now

This section shows you what you may not know about hazards and liabilities which are not being addressed within your program or range facilities.

Range Administration / Planning Aids

Helpful forms and templates to save you time in administration and planning and give you more time for instructing students.

Our Courses

Police rangemaster will be offering on-line courses to aid the working rangemaster through specific challenges:


Getting More Out of Your Range Time

Few agencies get enough training time. This course will provide simple suggestions to help you make the most of the time you have and strategies for increasing range time in the future.
Coming Soon

Upgrading Systems or Remodeling a Range

Keeping a shooting range operating at its full potential requires the rangemaster to regularly manage upgrades, remodeling and major maintenance projects. This module discusses strategies for managing those projects, funding them, and getting the most out of upgrading your systems.
Coming Soon

Remedial Training Programs and Policy

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New Range Construction

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Successful Proposals for Training, Equipment, and Policy Changes

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Range Remediation

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